Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2014

Bye Australia, my travels are over!

I can't believe that I finally leave Australia after more than 9 month of traveling. Time went by so quick! I had a beautiful time here and met loads of nice people, but you're the ones that made my

time amazing! Thank you ❤️ 

Now I'm looking forward to my friends and family back home! I can't wait to see you guys!❤️❤️❤️


Montag, 5. Mai 2014


I visited my friends from Melbourne down south in Pemberton last week. It's ridiculous, it took me 5,5 and 8hrs to Pemberton and back to Perth by bus and train and you need about 3! by car :) But it was worth it to see them again.
Climbing the 53m high pemberton gloucester tree without any safetygear.
The house in the middle of the forest. Autumn had definetly arrived here - it was freezing cold! And often reminded me a lot of Meerhof.

Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014

How do I spend my time here?

Well you saw already what we did the last two weekends and we went up to green head this weekend again.
The first few days in Perth were mainly about trying to fix my camera, so I went to several shops and camera technicians, but unfortunately without success.
The next day Maika came back to Perth and we spent the day here in Freo and as Perth seems to be the new Melbourne Kimiya, Andre and Max came over the next day and we spent the day together in the city.

They left the next day to Pemberton, but Maika stayed in Perth for a little longer.
I started the last week with pretty much doing nothing really the first two days, but time still went by pretty fast and on thursday I took some pictures for Bioworks ( Andrews sisters and brother in laws company, they make biodiesel out of old cooking oil) for a government brochure, even if I am not too sure If I was the right person for this job..
And fortunatly Peta and Andrew also don't work all the time 
Friday was Anzac-day, public holiday, so we went up to Green Head
again. And a lot of yummy fresh caught 
Unfortunately autumn is coming, so it's slowly getting rainy and colder and the weather this weekend wasn't as nice as last weekend, but Green Head was still beautiful and it didn't rained all the time.
And now I am in Pemberton, where Maika, Kimiya, Andre and Max live now.