Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014

Update: Auckland - Goodbye - Melbourne

In my last post we just came to the North Island, but that seems quite a while ago now. In the meantime we drove via Mont Egmont/ New Plymouth and Hamilton up to Auckland and spend two days there.
Then on Tuesday morning I had to say goodbye to my dad. I had changed my flight back to Australia, as I didn`t wanted to stay on more week "alone" in Auckland and decided to just come one week earlier back to Germany :) Again I was quite sad, when I left and I definitely felt more homesick, when my mum and dad left, then when I left home 7 month ago. But I just spoke with a friend from the east coast, whose family came over for Christmas and she said exactly the same, so it seems to be normal.
Then I finally arrived, 8,5 hours after I left the campground in the morning, in the hostel and don`t know why, but everything just took ages at the Melbourne airport.
And now I am here and I think I really, really like Melbourne, even if I have just arrived two days ago. I slowly get used to be a backpacker again and from tomorrow on I'll try to find a job here. I decided to look for a job for the next 1,5 or 2 weeks and if I don't find one, I' ll just come back home earlier.

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