Samstag, 29. März 2014

I am coming home, I am coming home..

...on the 9th of may! And thats pretty soon! It feels quiet weird right now to say: "I am leaving Australia in 5 weeks" and it still feels faaaar away, but I think that will change as soon as I'll leave Melbourne and that is tomorrow in a week already and I am looking forward to see you guys back home!
                                   QR E-Ticket


Thats us.

Bartavelle im Hostel - so lecker!

                                             First night us for us! (after a long day working..)

                                                                      in and around the Hostel


Andres 25th birthday - BBQ in the Flagstaff gardens

Still in the lambs shirt..

Ps: I updated the "Hostellife in Melbourne Post with a few "real" pictures...

Sonntag, 23. März 2014

Just working (together)?! No!

This week I worked 55h, cause one waitress left and the new girl didn't wanted to work alone yet, so I always stayed till really late, yesterday till 3 o'clock, but I am not just working(even if it sometimes felt like that), I also did a lot of other stuff with the staff.
On Monday was Amans Goodbye"party" as he is in India for a month now and we went to the Crown Casino. ( I went there in work cloth as I hadn't imagined to work that long and they finally had to picked me up from work).

On Thursday Jag, Claire and me went to play pool, or lets say they tried to teach me pool and I just kicked some balls... But it was fun anyway!

And on Friday Claire and me went to the ACMI museum, where they had an exhibition that was manly about computer games and media.

Montag, 17. März 2014

Daytime-people / Nighttime-people

Most of the time I work night time which means that I start at 6pm and work till anytime between 9pm and 3am, but 2 days a week I work daytime as well, so I know both groups, the night-time people and the daytime-people - and they are soooo different. I have to say, I like both, but it's like working in two different Restaurants!
For the daytime people it's "busy" if there are more than 2 customers at the same time, "we haven't had time as too busy", they always try to provide good service "do they want this as entree or all together", while you can be happy to get all your food maybe in a time frame of 20 minutes with the night-time people, cause most of the time it's so crowded at nighttime that you have no time to think about, what should come first, I am always happy, when I can bring chips to the people before they finished their souvalaki... The daytimepeople even start to panic, if there are 2 customers at the same time and just one of them is doing the souvlakis right now to the general amusement of the nighttime people, as they sometimes do 10 at a time alone.
The night-time people are definitely more funny, they are most of the time 3 Indian guys in the mid twentys and it's always fun with them, cause they do and talk a lot of shit instead of working, but they don't help you with anything that's not food, there can be 6 tables full of dirty dishes and a full kitchen as well, but they don't help you to tidy up, they just say "chill", "take a break"," don't run around too much", even if they got nothing to do and just block the way to the kitchen. The daytime people always help you, even if it's not too necessary, they always give plates to the customers or pick up dirty plates if they see some, but even if it's really nice with them it's just not as funny.
Even the prices are different, it says 3,5 $ for drinks on the menu so, I charge everyone 3,5$, the daytime people charge 3$ for cans and 4$ for bottles and the night-time people 3 for everything (the fifty cents are to complicated).
Nevertheless both groups do got some things in common, they both want you to not work too much (daytime:) You don't have to clean for me, if the manger isn't here", (nighttime:)" what are you doing?! They'll make you clean all the time if you do it properly! Stop it."  and they force you to eat all the time.
Me, Jag & Claire (she left in the meantime)
We're all indians now! Do you see it? 
Me, Jag & Kimiya ( I brought her to Lambs and she got Claires job now) 

Ps: We found out yesterday that the mice aren't just in the kitchen, they're also in the shop..

Donnerstag, 13. März 2014

Hostellife in Melbourne

a few pictures...

Cinema with Linnea and Sofia, "twelve years a slave", not the expected light backpacker entertainment...

Dominos 5$ Pizza with Maika and Andre

 Do it yourself McSunday: We just brought choccolat sauce from the hostel freeshelf to McDonalds and made it ourselfs with the 30ct icream instead of buying the real 4$ one.So funny and a lot cheaper!

streetart live

Graffiti Streets Melbbourne

Melbournes skyline from Brighton beach

free ice tea on the way to the beach

 Brighton Beach beachhouses and a beautiful day at the beach with Maika and some others
selfmade milkshakes with fresh fruits from the market sooooooo delicious!

pancake breakfast topped up with strawberrys


home sweet home - my space with my cardboardcupboard from Aldi