Donnerstag, 13. März 2014

Hostellife in Melbourne

a few pictures...

Cinema with Linnea and Sofia, "twelve years a slave", not the expected light backpacker entertainment...

Dominos 5$ Pizza with Maika and Andre

 Do it yourself McSunday: We just brought choccolat sauce from the hostel freeshelf to McDonalds and made it ourselfs with the 30ct icream instead of buying the real 4$ one.So funny and a lot cheaper!

streetart live

Graffiti Streets Melbbourne

Melbournes skyline from Brighton beach

free ice tea on the way to the beach

 Brighton Beach beachhouses and a beautiful day at the beach with Maika and some others
selfmade milkshakes with fresh fruits from the market sooooooo delicious!

pancake breakfast topped up with strawberrys


home sweet home - my space with my cardboardcupboard from Aldi 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Die Fotos geben einen prima Einblick ins Backpacker-Leben. Aber man merkt daran auch, wie alt man schon ist. Für uns Oldies wäre das nix mehr, ganz ehrlich. Doch dir wünschen wir weiterhin viel Spaß. Bis bald!
