We jumped out of a fuckin' plane - I still can't belive it, but we did! I was actully more scared before we entered the plane than in the air, cause then I just thought that IT'S A JOKE THAT WE SHOULD JUMP OUT OF HERE, I'LL NEVER EVER DO THAT and when we finally reached the 14000ft everything was so quick that we didn't really had time to panic.
And once we were out it was just great. I just can't describe the feeling! It's awesome, great, crazy, amazing?!
For me it was a lot better than I expected it to be, but also a lot quicker, the one minute freefall felt like 5 seconds and the paragliding like 2 minutes ( but I guess it was more).
It just hurt a lot in my ears, but it was so cool and we could even steer for a while.
And look how amazing the landscape is!!!
They haven't uploaaded the video yet, but I'll send you the link.

Wow!!! Wie cool ist das denn! Ein grandioses Erlebnis (auch wenn ich mich nicht trauen würde "dank" Höhenangst).Tolle Bilder - jetzt bin ich gespannt auf das Video von der Luftnummer.
AntwortenLöschenCrazy!!! Und echt mutig, Süße!
(der Spruch ist aus Christchurch oder?)